Just saying that name causes hives in men and gives women hope that the right time has come!! Sooner or later their men will understand that a little surprise is necessary on this day!!
Well, yes, of all the holidays, Valentine’s Day will always be the most controversial.
Either because this holiday has no religious background and even in this case we have something to say about it, or because it is the only holiday that contrastively resonates in the male and female hemispheres.
For many men who want to get away with it, it’s just an “American invention” as they say, “I love you every day darling, I don’t need to prove it today!” Unfortunately, often, many of them won’t prove it either in the remaining 364 days! (continues below)…

On the other hand, the happy ones lives daily their Valentine’s Day, so February 14th will be just a refresh …
Unfortunately, the worst part is left to many apparently happy couples, that covers just a relationship that is actually on the edge of collapse. Well, what can I wish? … Good luck!
To lighten up the situation, let remain cheerful keeping up our foresight and irony, so let me show you my Valentine’s decorated table today. (continues below)…
As usual, the design is slightly kitschy, but useful for those who decide to end a romantic dinner with a playful “grand finale” or for those who are bored during the evening can at least build a house of cards and, last but not least, for the singles ones who enjoys to play solitaire just like any other day.
In conclusion – happy Valentine to all lovers around there! – because love is the drug of life! But don’t forget that the important thing is to love ourselves first 🙂
Yours, Moni